Everything you need to know about the product and billing.
In the event you forget a password for your computer, email, or social media accounts, you can reset your password directly through the system or application you’re using. In most cases, you can reset your password by answering a series of security questions or by requesting an email that contains a password reset link.
To change your password if you’re already logged in:
Click account in the top right of Facebook.
Select Settings and privacy, then click Settings.
Click Security and login.
Click Edit next to Change password.
Enter your current password and new password.
Click Save Changes.
You can cancel your account at any time during your paid subscription.
Trial users don’t need to do anything! You can continue to use your account until the end of the trial. After that, as long as you don’t upgrade, your account will be closed.
If you want to stop your trial early, follow the steps below for paying users.
As a reminder, no credit card information was taken when you signed up for the free trial.
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